主辦單位: 香港競技評核總會
繪畫 : 兒童畫、中國畫、油畫、塑膠彩、水粉、水彩、粉彩、素描、漫畫、工藝畫等
作品風格、手法、顏料不限,以發揮參賽者無盡創意,參賽者可自由選擇使用不同風格及顏料作賽。(作品大小不超過「4開」48.5cm X 33.5cm)
電繪 :
作品風格、手法不限,唯不接受人工智能生成之作品。(參加展覽作品實體大小不超過「4開」48.5cm X 33.5cm;初選提交作品檔案大小不可超過4MB)
作品必須以 .JPEG、.jpg、或 .png 格式提交,其他格式如.pdf 等均不獲處理。
幼兒組 3歲或以下
學前組 4 - 6歲
兒童初級組 7 - 9歲
兒童高級組 10 - 12歲
少年初級組 13 - 15歲
少年高級組 16 - 18歲
青少年公開組 25歲或以下
公開組 年齡不限
1. 「葉」
2. 「雪」
3. 「冬」
(費用包括: 賽事、參賽/成績證書、郵寄等行政費用)
(費用包括: 賽事、獎項、得獎者展覽、於展覽場地親身領回作品等各項費用)
國際組年度總決賽將於都會國際青年藝術節2024各地區繪畫大賽(冬季) 完成後進行。
1. 完成作品後,量度作品大小並為作品拍攝照片,準備於報名時上載。
1.1 「繪畫」作品照片檔案規格:
1.1.1 只接受平面作品,作品實體大小不超過「4開」48.5cm X 33.5cm
1.1.2 請參考下圖為作品拍照提交
( 只需拍攝參賽作品,並盡量將全幅作品拍攝於檔案中。)
1.1.3 作品照片檔案只接受 .JPEG/.jpg/.png格式(.pdf 等其他格式一律不獲處理),大 小不可超過4MB
1.2 「電繪」作品檔案規格:
1.2.1 作品照片檔案只接受 .JPEG/.jpg/.png格式(.pdf 等其他格式一律不獲處理),大 小不可超過4MB
1.2.2 請保留作品創作初期及中期之備份檔案,於有需要時提供予賽委以証明作品是參賽 者之原創作品,賽委亦有機會隨機抽查作品原創過程檔案。
2. 按照本章程之付款方式繳交初選報名費用,並將存款收據/入數紙拍照 或 電子支付証明或 截圖 準備妥當,於報名時上載。
3. 填妥下列網上報名表格,並於報名表內上載參賽作品檔案及付款証明 :
4. 完成報名後請保留自動回覆回條,核對回條內各項報名資料。
5. 賽會將於報名截止後再次統一發出報名確認電郵。請核對電郵內各項報名資料及記下參賽編 號,以作日後查詢及晉級報名之用。如截止後一星期仍未收到任何通知,請與我們聯絡。
1. 收到晉級通知電郵後,可於電郵內報名連結報名參賽。進入報名前請先完成付款程序。
2. 按照本章程之付款方式繳交決賽報名費用,並將存款收據/入數紙拍照 或 電子支付証明或截 圖準備妥當,於報名時上載。
3. 進入晉級通知電郵內之決賽報名連結,輸入參賽編號及上載付款証明。
4. 「繪畫組」參賽者需於本會網頁下載「作品提交標籤」,填妥參賽編號、參賽者姓名等資 料,將「作品提交標籤」貼於作品背面,並將作品郵寄至本會。
九龍灣宏開道16號 德福大廈16樓1604室
都會國際青年節2024 香港區繪畫大賽
5. 「電繪組」參賽者無需郵寄或再次提交作品,初賽晉級作品將於決賽報名完成後直接提交評 分,唯賽會將於有需要時向參賽者索取原創過程檔案供評審參考 或 索取較高像素之檔案 以安排展覽之用。
香港上海滙豐銀行戶口:747 040046 001
如以PayMe / 轉數快 / 微信支付 / 支付寶 付款,可以確認付款附有交易編號之截圖作付款証明。付款証明檔案於報名時上載。
轉數快FPS ID:3007424
Important Dates of Competition
April 15, 2024 Start collecting application forms and works
June 30, 2024: Deadline for registration and collection of all preliminary works will be stopped
(Only online registration and uploading of work photo files are accepted)
July 15, 2024 Preliminary results announced and final registration begins
July 31, 2024 Final registration deadline
August 15, 2024: No more original copies of "Painting" works will be accepted
The mailing deadline is August 31 (based on the postmark date)
September 30, 2024 Final results announced
The gold medal winners and the first, second and third place winners in each category will be eligible to participate in the annual international finals. The registration fee will vary depending on the venue and exhibition area. Details will be announced when registering for the international finals.
The awards will be presented at the awards ceremony or exhibition. Those who are unable to attend can apply for the award one month after the ceremony or exhibition. Details will be announced before the event.
Personal Awards:
The preliminary round will select the works that will advance to the final round. All finalists will be awarded a certificate of "Excellence". Other participants will be awarded a certificate of "Excellence" or "Participation" according to the level of their works.
Each group in the finals will have a champion, a runner-up, and a third place, as well as gold, silver, bronze, honors, and participation awards.
The names of the champion, first runner-up, third runner-up and gold, silver, bronze and honors prize winners will be displayed on the event winners list.
The gold medal winners and the champion, second runner-up and third runner-up works in each category will be eligible to participate in the annual finals of the international category.
*The International Group Annual Finals will be held after the completion of the Metropolitan International Youth Arts Festival 2024 Regional Painting Competition (Winter).
Group/Tutor Awards:
Groups, schools, institutions or tutors that recommend 5 or more contestants to the preliminary round each quarter will be awarded the "Outstanding Arts Promotion Award" to recognize their contribution to the promotion of arts.
Each quarter, groups, schools, institutions or tutors that recommend 5 or more contestants to successfully advance to the finals will be awarded the "Excellence in Arts Education Award" to recognize their outstanding achievements in arts education.
Groups, schools, institutions or tutors who are interested in competing for the "Outstanding Arts Promotion Award" and "Excellent Arts Education Award" must accurately fill in the name of the institution or tutor when registering as a contestant, or register as a group. All contestants who are counted as the same group, school, institution or tutor must fill in the exact same institution name or tutor name. The Chinese and English names are treated as two institutions or tutors respectively.
Finals Awards/Prizes
Champion, 1st runner-up, 3rd runner-up received a trophy and a certificate Gold, Silver, Bronze Award received a medal and a certificate Merit and Participation Award received a certificate Outstanding Arts Promotion Award received a certificate Excellence in Arts Education Award received a trophy and a certificate
Articles and Rules:
The "Metropolitan International Youth Arts Festival 2024 Hong Kong Drawing Competition (Summer)" will be conducted in accordance with the "General Rules and Regulations of the Competition", "Supplementary Rules for Competitions without Venue Attendance" of the Hong Kong Athletics Assessment Association and the Supplementary Rules and Regulations of this competition. Once registered, participants have understood and agreed to abide by the contents of each rule and regulation.
Additional Charter Rules
Once all works are submitted, it means that the author agrees that the association may display the works at any time and in any way without the need for further consent from the author.
All works have the opportunity to participate in the exhibition. The works will be retained by the Association for a period of time until all related exhibitions are over. If you need to retrieve the works, you must arrange it during the exhibition. Participants can inquire with staff after the competition is over, or pay attention to the announcement on the Association's website.
The following works will be disqualified:
Photos obtained in violation of the rights of others;
Photos containing pornographic, nude, obscene, violent or other controversial or inappropriate content;
Photos that intentionally harass, disrespect or damage the wild environment;
Photos that threaten the safety of any person or animal;
Works generated using any artificial intelligence software.All arrangements for retrieving works do not require postage and there are no administrative fees.
The Association will not be responsible for any damage to any works.
One month after the end of this year's competition and exhibition, unclaimed works will be handled by the Association at its sole discretion without further notice.